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1) The NRF: Assessment to Intervention


An introduction to the NeuroRelational Framework, this workshop compares the NRF with conventional responses to behavior that promote the intersectionality of bias, walks through the 3-step process of assessment to intervention, and gives participants practice in creating their own NRF interventions for behavior issues.


2) From Co-Regulation to Self Reflection


Co-regulating with children leads to self-regulation; co-reflecting with children leads to self-reflection. Learn tools that regulate both adults and children simultaneously, and build skills in reflective, collaborative problem solving. 


3) Assessing Arousal States


Learn about the difference between toxic and adaptive stress, how inequity promotes toxic stress, and how to adjust learning experiences to promote adaptive stress.


4) Soothing the SensorY System


A workshop dedicated to the brain's Sensory System, learn how the 7 senses cue the brain for threat or safety, how to spot sensory vulnerabilities in a school environment, and increase sensory safety cues throughout the school day.


5) Trauma Informed Teaching


A workshop dedicated to the brain's Relevance System, learn conditions that trigger trauma responses in children, and how to approach behavior with curiosity, connection, and limits simultaneously.​


6) Executive Functionality: Sparking the Cortex


A workshop dedicated to the brain's Executive System, learn how to move children from lower to higher-level brain functions, promoting regulated and reflective kids.


7) The NRF: Putting it Together


Practice the NRF's three steps of assessing arousal states, levels of engagement and brain system strengths and vulnerabilities with specific cases.


8) Reflective consultation with parents & Peers


Build skills in reflective consultation on students with colleagues using the NRF as a guide.

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8 Sessions on Disrupting the Preschool to Prison Pipeline with

The Neurorelational Framework:

Neuroscience that Transforms Relationships in an Equitable and Trauma-Informed Approach

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