From Compliance to Cooperation: Back to School!
How to Get from Compliance to Cooperation (Hint: With Curiosity and Collaboration!) We often hear parents, teachers, and principals say,...

Do You Have a Shifter or a Jumper?
Some kids shift into their stress responses gradually. We can see signs of upset growing gradually with scowling, whining, and cajoling...

How Do We Know when Stress is Toxic?
How do we know when stress is good for us? How do we know if our children's stress is building strength or tearing them down?

Healing Children in Stress
Many of you have brought Amelia into your family's life as an embodiment coach for your children and a parent coach for you. Check out...

Mi Gente Latina Entrevista sobre Cuando Los Niños Mienten/Interview on When Children Lie
(Scroll down for English.) Dr. Lydia Aguilera (learn more about her here) is the host of Voice of Vashon's radio show, Mi Gente Latina....

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!
My favorite parenting books lately are ones that show us how parenting is done elsewhere. I am particularly fascinated by parenting...

When we feel overwhelmed or depleted, the brain might do one of two things: say no to the demands on it, or comply and then become...

Heal Your Anger. Re-Parent Yourself
You know that mean monster that sleeps inside of you and only comes out when your child does something to push the button that wakes it...

Talking to Kids about Race
Current events are inspiring many of you to ask yourselves what you can do and how to raise and teach children to be anti-biased. A...

Roughhousing in the Time of Corona
With rain forecasted, one of my coop's board chairs asked me to write a brief piece on this useful parenting tool to help you all out....